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The Final Process

Amplitude detector

Our function AnimalAudio.m outputs a struct called "audio" of animal clip information. These clips are windowed by detecting chunks of sound data with amplitudes above a certain threshold. These chunks are then cropped and analyzed for their principle frequency component.


You can use our audio.mat file or make your own struct using .mp4 files within your working directory! 

Here you can see an example of our windowing algorithm at work!

inputting a song

Make sure your song of choice is saved in the appropriate folder and the file name is written in Main.m

Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at 10.36.00
matching up frequency components
Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at 11.14.08

FrequencyMatch.m reads in the frequencies of your song of choice and the animal sounds file that you'll be using. It will detect frequencies over the time of the file, and match them up numerically. 

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